  • Nursery with chamomile wallpaper
    Nursery with chamomile wallpaper
    Girls room with chamomile wallpaper brown Guusje and Lea finally have their own room in the attic. Guusje has got the beautiful chamomile wallpaper brown. Which fits our dreamy doll girl exactly. On her bed is a duvet cover in nude with cherries and a gingham fitted sheet from Studio Ditte. WHO EstherI am Esther (41), married to Sven and together we have three children; Sil (9) and twins Guusje & Lea (7 years).WHERE We have been living in our lovely new-build house in Doetinchem for 5 years.INSTAGRAM @estherinroze Their own room in the attic For the first six years, Guusje and Lea slept in a bedroom together, because we were short of a room. In this bedroom they had the fantastic birds wallpaper from Studio Ditte. Read more about the room on the blog
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  • Nursery interior design advice
    Nursery interior design advice
    Nursery interior design adviceby Interior design studio Lonneke Salentijn WHO I am Lonneke, 39 years old, mother of Seppe (8) and Jip (5). We live in the countryside in Central Limburg. I have always been busy with interior design and like to be practical, which is why I attended the interior design school Hout- en Meubileringscollege in Rotterdam.WHERE Sint Odiliënberg (Limburg)MORE INFO www.lonnekesalentijn.nlINSTAGRAM @lonneke_salentijn_interieur About Interior design studio Lonneke Salentijn Interior design studio Lonneke Salentijn | With my studio I mainly focus on families for which I design a custom interior. I inspire and guide people in the process of creating a new interior. Take them out of their comfort zone to create a home that suits them completely, but that they would not have thought of themselves. This can range from color advice to complete interior design advice. Inspiration | I go to creative fairs or events and take workshops where I use my hands. For example, I like to work with ceramics and make collages from materials, pictures and things that I come across. I am a collector, everything comes in handy at some point. I also enjoy working in our garden,
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  • PlekjesMaker creates dream spots
    PlekjesMaker creates dream spots
    Creative solutions for play, sleeping, work and storage space PlekjesMakerAs a PlekjesMaker ("SpaceMaker") I design and create creative and efficient solutions for play, sleeping, work and storage space. I create space. A nice place. To be. Your own dream space, your own cocoon. Puzzling with spaceAs a child I loved building tree houses. My childhood, teenage and student room were always subject to change. I always created a nice place there. My Place. Efficient with the cubic meters, making good use of every corner. And that's what I still like to do. Puzzling with the space, materials and objects available. Make a PlaceWe previously lived in Amsterdam with our two daughters. Their shared room wasn't too big. More like ini-mini. The ceilings, on the other hand, were almost 4 meters high. The toddler bunk bed worked fine at first. Until it became very tight for the eldest. And so we had to play around with the cubic meters. And preferably their own space for everyone. I went wild all the time. And they have become two great places of their own. This was really so much fun to think of, design and make. I would like to do this all day. But yeah. Who was waiting for that?! I thought then... And that's how my story as a SpaceMaker actually began. Now, a few years later, I live with my lovely family in Uitdam, a small village above Amsterdam. We built our own house there, with many Spaces incorporated into it. Because I was able to create my own workshop at home here, the opportunity arose to not only design Spots, but also make them. MORE INFO
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Studio Ditte

We are Studio Ditte
Own collection | unique prints | sustainable | Dutch brand

Studio Ditte is a Dutch brand with wallpaper, bedding, posters and backpacks. With love and an eye for detail, we design products with playful patterns that make you happy. We design all products ourselves, with attention to people and the environment. In the prints of Studio Ditte you discover new details every time.

Tips & inspiration
Room tours | color advice | styling tips | nursery inspiration

Are you looking for inspiration for the baby room, toddler room or nursery? Wallpaper, fitted sheets and duvet covers can set a beautiful atmosphere.What would you think about vintage cars, jaguars or elephantsfor a cool boy's room? And wallpaper and bedding with forest animals of brids for a girls' room? Check our blog for styling ideas, color recommendations and inside viewers.