Wallpaper with seals

The colorful girls room with seals wallpaper from Studio Ditte fits Saar perfectly. She wanted a cheerful wallpaper with color and immediately fell in love with the seal wallpaper. This beautiful wallpaper in combination with the bedding with cherries and the fitted sheet with jaguar spots completes her room!

WHO Ilona (interior designer) & Bram  
KIDS Saar (8) | Gijs (4)
WHERE Ulvenhout (Noord-Brabant)
INSTAGRAM studiobril

Sleeping in a bedhouse

We have been living in Ulvenhout for 6 years now, we came to live here when Saar was 2 years old. At the time, we started with a bedstead that has been exchanged over the years for a single bed with a custom-made bed house. On the first floor, our house has different sloping sides, so it took us a while to figure out how best to divide the rooms. We have opted for a standard white bed for the base. The interior builder, who also helped us with other projects, made the bed house. This was a bull's eye. A cozy sleeping house with lots of space and a nice place to put away her showpieces. In the winter we often attach a blanket to it to turn it into a real hut.

Wallpaper with a story

In my work as an interior designer for childcare and education, I am always looking for beautiful products with a good story. That worked out well when we had been walking around for a while with the idea of giving Saar's room a make-over. She is very happy with the bed and the furniture, but a make-over is welcome. Saar doesn't like standard colors / prints so we could go wild :) When I came across the seals wallpaper from Studio Ditte I was immediately enthusiastic. What a very nice and fresh design and how beautiful is the collaboration with Seal Center Pieterburen. We were immediately sold! After a little more searching, I also came across suitable bedding from Studio Ditte: duvet cover in nude with cherries and a fitted sheet with jaguar spots. What a nice and surprising combination!

Styling tips for a nursery

Provide a pleasant atmosphere that makes your child feel comfortable. For one, these are soft, neutral colors and for the other, these are more pronounced colors. It is important that it suits you. I have also noticed that our children like having space to display their 'treasures'. At Saar we have achieved this by means of a shelf in her bed house. It lists her favorite books and her most cherished items. It has become a nice place where she can play with friends and where she can withdraw for a while.

For more information: www.studiobril.nl